“Let the institutions do their work”

09 May 2024

When he succeeded Joseph Muscat, who had resigned in disgrace, Prime Minister Robert Abela claimed “the institutions are working”. As the timeline below shows, Abela has since shifted to attacking the institutions, particularly the judiciary and the magistrate who led the inquiry investigating potential money laundering and corruption in the hospitals privatisation deal. His recent attacks on what he terms “the Establishment” and his claims of “political terrorism” appear to be aimed at eroding public trust and confidence in institutions, and particularly in the inquiry into the corrupt hospitals privatisation deal and the inquiring magistrate herself.

Before charges were filed against Joseph Muscat

17 January 2020

Prime Minister Robert Abela assured diplomatic representatives that his Government is committed to address challenges related to the rule of law, the judicial system and public institutions”.

9 November 2021

Ex-PMs still have responsibilities, Robert Abela says on Muscat payments

Doorstepped outside the the prime minister’s office: “We will respect the conclusions which the magistrate will reach. That’s why we respect the institutions and have given them the resources to do their job. We will respect the conclusions they reach.

06 November 2022

Robert Abela on corruption, construction and abortion

PM Abela’s first ever interview with Times of Malta: “The institutions worked as they should have…this case shows how effective and robust our institutions are…the institutions are working…If the institutions were not working, there wouldn’t have been arraignments…The government’s role is to create robust institutions that are able to detect abuse and bring responsible people to justice…The government’s duty is to ensure effective institutions.”

23 May 2023

‘Let the institutions work’, Abela says on Steward and Joseph Muscat

Replying to questions on the third NAO report on the hospitals’ concession, PM Abela reiterated that the institutions must be left to work, and he will not impose prejudice or pressure on decisions which need to be taken by these same institutions.

After charges were filed

28 April 2024

Abela warns judiciary not to engage in ‘political terrorism’

Speaking at the European Parliament election campaign launch, Prime Minister Robert Abela warned the judiciary not to engage in “political terrorism”.

06 May 2024

As it happened: Accusations, walkouts, drama as Vitals fallout intensifies

Speaking at a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister, Abela said: “I am not in a position to say whether the presumption of innocence was safeguarded during the inquiry. I will not fall into the trap of saying that there was a presumption of guilt…Mhux ha noqghod fuq id-decizjoni tal-magistrat biex niehu d-decizjonijiet politici li rrid niehu.”